Lensbaby {June 2013}

It is already time for the monthly clickinmoms lensbaby blog circle.  Since the last lensbaby post I purchased my first home.  I used the lensbaby project as an excuse to explore my new back yard.  Because my husband and I first looked at the property at the end of April, I had no idea how much gardening/landscaping I had just purchased.  I originally thought the area was full of weeds and quite over grown. Much to my surprise, most of the “weeds” were actually wildflowers that bloomed mid June. Good thing I am such a procrastinator or I would have pulled them all when we moved in!

After you check out the garden photos below, please continue through the circle to Philadelphia Photographer Nina Mingioni of Nina Mingioni Photography.

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  • Lensbaby June » Kristen Ryan Photography - […] Thanks for looking and continue on through the circle with the talented Alexis Fischer. […]ReplyCancel

  • Courtney Breul - Your backyard looks wonderful!! May I ask which lensbaby you are using! Your shots are awesome.ReplyCancel

    • alexisfischer1@gmail.com - Thanks Courtney-I used the sweet 35 for all of these shotsReplyCancel

  • Andrea Lythgoe - You got some FABULOUS blur and bokeh with these. Nice job!ReplyCancel

  • Nina - these are wonderful, Alexis! i loved all the colors and textures. my favorite is the one with a series of green leaves!ReplyCancel

  • Jenny - These are just gorgeous – love the bokeh and the blur. I think the shot that is all out of focus with the yellow wildflowers is my favorite – but they are all so pretty. I really want to upgrade to the sweet 35 now.ReplyCancel

  • Heather - These are gorgeous! Love all of them, especially the purple ones!ReplyCancel

  • jen foster - wow! this is your yard!?? so gorgeous Alexis, you lucky girl! 🙂 Glad ya didn’t pull them!ReplyCancel

  • Kim - What beautiful colors and flowers in your backyard! Beautiful work!ReplyCancel
